Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Is Running Barefoot For You ?

There is a movement a-foot (sorry for pun ) in the fitness universe that’s picking up steam- running barefoot. Various fitness/running experts contend that running barefoot, or in most cases with minimal protection to the feet, actually creates less anatomical stress on the foot/ankle/leg/hip. The decision to run barefoot should be an educated one. Please consider things fitness level, the health of your feet and the locations where you normally run. In Southern California, we’re blessed of hundreds of beaches where thousands already run barefoot. Running in the sand is an unbelievable work-out. It’s the other areas which may cause challenges like trails and streets/sidewalks.

I’ve researched this topic and would like to pass on some helpful links:

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What the HEEL !!!!!!!!

Cracked Heels Can Turn Bothersome, Serious

Most people don’t pay much attention to “cracked heels” The skin in that area of the foot is usualy “tough” and a little lotion or cream oftens does the trick. For many patients, this is a serious issue. For more information please link to an extremely enlightening overview of the problem.